Welcome to our fencing school

Sieben Schwerter - 7 Swords

Since 1999 we recreate the historical art of fencing with passion. We are one of the first professional fencing schools in germany. Our goal is to connect the old fencing styles with a modern aspect of training.

Fechtschule Sieben Schwerter

Visitors from all over the world

We are proud to have visitors from all over the world. For example: Sweden, Russia, Italy, Hungary, Austria, Great Britain, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Australia, Greece, Scotland, Turkey, France, Colombia, Croatia, USA, and many more to come.

Our lessons

Our lessons are in german language and also translated in english for you. If you speak german or english it's not a problem to take part in a seminar or the  weekly classes. 

Go to seminar dates...

Go to weekly classes...

Visit us

You are welcome to visit us. It doesn't matter how long you stay in germany. Please feel free to contact us. We write back and let you know which day is perfect for a visit.


You are welcome to visit us. Let us know which day and time do you prefer.

Hinweis: Bitte die mit * gekennzeichneten Felder ausfüllen.

Öffne deine Sinne,

betrachte es ordentlich.

Je mehr du dich darin im Spasse übst,

desto mehr denkst du daran im Ernst.
(Anonymer Fechtmeister, 1389)

Open your senses,

consider it properly.

The more you train with fun,

the more you remind it seriously.
(Anonymous Fencing Master, 1389)

Fechtschule Sieben Schwerter  

Mobil: 0175 - 5278113

Bürozeiten: Montag-Donnerstag 8-16 Uhr

E-Mail: info@sieben-schwerter.de

Bankverbindung: IBAN: DE 2343 0609 6730 4214 0400, Inhaber: 7 Schwerter, BIC: GENODEM1GLS


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